Me,Myself and PowerAuras. Elemental Redux.

Long story short. I have to admit this shaman used to be a shelved lvl 25ish char. My main was a mage. Arcane. I loved my one button rotation more than I loved chocolate cake. Ok that’s a lie. Major lie. OMG god of chocolate pls forgive me!! Ok he gave me a sign so now I feel all warm and fuzzy again.
 So in my search for raiding environment I stumbled upon the raid that would change my playstyle. Why?Because when I got there in that 10man raid there was already another arcane mage sitting her ass on what I thought to be my rightful spot. So what did I do? Yes of course I hated her existence ever since, yes of course I pinpointed every single one of her mistakes . However true to my nature I decided not to waste my time and move on to what the raid seemed to be actually missing. HEALZ!
And so I embarked on the journey of mainswitching to shamy healz. Now I m thinking of sending a box of chocolates to that mage because if it wasn’t for her I would still be on my mage. NO I wont. Who am I kidding. I still hate her guts. You know what I love? My shamy healz. So few months later and into the fiery pit of Ragnaros what do you think happened? Yes suddenly we were full of healers that could outheal my shaman not because I m not good enough but because firelands was a rape for shamy healers. So since I absolutely wanted to raid and when it 2 healer fights I didn’t see myself keeping my spot I turned to my os for help. First came enhancement. Soon after I realized I cant dps to save my life in melee and as much op as this spec is supposed to be I turned to elemental. And at first I sucked. Until…tah daaah. Yes.My love affair with power auras came to play. And some epic lewts. Every little bit helps and major upgrades are sure to boost your dps so don’t be scared to use the same main and off hand from your Resto spec for your Ele spec. Yes even without reforging more often than not the stats alone will be enough to up your gameplay. Because shamans are hybrids and it’s a reason we are brought along. Its one of our strengths.  If you have the luxury of being in a major 25man raiding environment then sure spec both of your trees for resto purposes. Both for progression and tailored for different bosses.But for those that are either moonlighting in their ele spec or its your main spec , as promised on my Resto PowerAuras Post here is my power auras elemental config.

This time I run around SW with my power auras full on un proc .Mostly because if I am in my ele spec it will be because I m training myself with dummies. Dummies? I meant raid dummies.Abusing puggies is my guilty pleasure but I wouldn’t go as far as to call them dummies. I have a much better more eloquent and extended vocabulary  in my artillery for that purpose. In anycase above you can see a fiery orb that is my Lava burst off cooldown. The white circle indicates there are no totems down due to my noobish ways of forgetting to put them down when there is another shaman in the raid. Feel free to deactivate it. The icons on my right are from my dominos bars I ll cover those in my UI post.

This one is not so fancy it merely indicates that the fire elemental has 5 or less seconds before disappearing. Used to be amazing before Blizzard decided to nerf Tier12 2 pc bonus. Gief back my fire elemental Bliz.

As you can see the fiery orb is replaced by a CD timer indicating when its going to be off cooldown. The arc above my head appears as soon as I cast Flame Shock and the timer indicates how much time the dot has left.  On my right side above my dominos there are 2 white dots. First one appears when my lighting charges on my shield are 7. The second appears when they reach 8. When they reach to the final 9 Blizzards automatic aura flashes above my head. Lastly the timer after the dots is indicating how much time my searing totem has left before it needs refreshing. I will just push my dominos button underneath when I feel like it, thats why its there.

A random screenshot indicating how all the auras are working together.

Last Addition to the gallery my power torrent proc ( Little swirly flowery thingy at the end of my dominos).Very very very useful for all kinds of situations.Trust me.You need this.

Configuration ScreenShots

Power Auras Export :

Lightning Shield 1st  stack :
Aura[5]=Version:4.23; g:0.9843; icon:Spell_Nature_LightningShield; buffname:Lightning Shield; r:0.9765; begin:1; x:76; stacks:7; texture:45; alpha:1; size:0.13; y:-29; texmode:1@
Lightning Shield 2nd stack :
Aura[6]=Version:4.23; b:0.9373; icon:Spell_Nature_LightningShield; buffname:Lightning Shield; r:0.9529; x:110; stacks:8; texture:45; alpha:1; size:0.13; y:-29; texmode:1@
Lava Burst :
Aura[7]=Version:4.23; b:0.8353; g:0.949; icon:Spell_Shaman_LavaBurst; buffname:Lava Burst; begin:3; x:-108; bufftype:15; texture:199; alpha:0.54; size:0.31; y:-31; texmode:1; timer.b:0; timer.g:0.851; timer.h:1.85; timer.UpdatePing:true; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:LEFT; timer.x:59; timer.UseOwnColor:true@
Flame Shock :
Aura[8]=Version:4.23; b:0.0275; g:0.451; target:true; icon:Spell_Fire_FlameShock; buffname:Flame Shock; r:0.9451; x:-4; bufftype:2; texture:7; alpha:1; mine:true; size:0.8; torsion:1.02; y:-23; texmode:1; timer.h:1.85; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.y:57@
Searing Totem :
Aura[9]=Version:4.23; b:0.0667; g:0.6078; icon:Spell_Fire_SearingTotem; buffname:Searing totem; begin:3; x:-173; bufftype:19; texture:13; alpha:0.1; size:0.02; y:-31; texmode:1; timer.b:0; timer.g:0.851; timer.h:1.57; timer.UpdatePing:true; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:LEFT; timer.x:334@
Wrath of Air :
Aura[10]=Version:4.23; anim1:4; icon:Spell_Nature_SlowingTotem; buffname:Wrath of Air; bufftype:19; texture:2; alpha:1; speed:0.74; texmode:1; inverse:true@
Fire Elemental Totem :
Aura[11]=Version:4.23; InvertAuraBelow:5; icon:Spell_Fire_Elemental_Totem; buffname:Fire Elemental; x:-146; bufftype:19; texture:218; size:0.63; texmode:1@
Power Torrent :
Version:4.23; b:0.5137; anim1:11; g:0.9216; Instance25ManHeroic:true; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; begin:1; x:191; Instance10ManHeroic:true; texture:112; alpha:0.11; speed:0.12; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.25; y:-62; texmode:1; finish:3; timer.h:1.44; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER

Me, Myself and Power Auras

Sort of an exaggerated suggestion. I  make it seem like I take power auras to my bed. That I d bumb uglies with them. Screw it, yes I would. I love powerauras. I adore powerauras. My heart has always beaten faster for all things functional minimal and pretty. Power auras are the Bauhaus of addons. They are everything you need to have on your UI to guide you through the perils of the worst raiding environment. Warningwise. I m this close to making a how to guide for power auras buuuut…I wont. There are so many out there. Google is your friend. And if you have half a mind you don’t even need that. Just spend few min with the interface and you ll be laughing. I don’t even remember how I was introduced to powerauras. It just feels that we ve always been together, we click naturally. It’s a testament of how much I m attached to them that I cant dps my ele os without them. I ll make a separate post for this reason just for the curious minds out there. So , what can power auras do for the resto shaman? For me they provide with enough visual warnings that I barely need to think of anything else but my healing assignment. You remember that nasty drood friend of mine? He s always insisting that “It’s a man thing. Not to rely on crutches when you re not injured otherwise your legs will atrophy.” Yeah. Ask him who has more powerauras than me now. Yes he s converted. But he s keeping it minimal and good for him or I d have to decapitate those legs of his. But generally ppl please keep it clean. There is nothing worse than a messy UI where you cant even concentrate on the fight.
When strolling around in stormwind or anywhere in the world I have all my auras in the hiding. Or when I m on my mount even in a dungeon or raid again I have them in hiding. Other than that I keep it simple. On my resto spec I roll with 4 auras but make no mistake if I feel I need another I ll put it in my rotation respectively. I don’t use any earth shield auras and such since my VuhDo keeps tracks of those kind of stacks.
In a raid the following image bellow is how my power auras in Restoration spec look like. Left dressed in yellow is my Unleash elements. On the right dressed in green is my Riptide. And the shield indicates when my Water Shield is missing.
When Water Shield is back on but I havent used any CD ‘s
Essential for my peace of mind the necessary cooldown timers. The vibrating circle is our Tidal Waves proc . As soon as they are consumed or expired the aura vanishes.
Lastly as mentioned when mounted or chilling out all the auras go to sleep.

New Addition to the gallery is my power torrent proc (The little flowery on top of me.It also swirls.Yes I’m a girl in case you haven’t figured it out so far). More important for ele though but once I added it there I had to give it to my resto too.Useful and it doesn’t really take up so much space. 

Another new addition to the gallery is a power Aura for my Spiritwalker’s Grace proc. Now with the tier 13 bonus I found it really valuable to keep a more careful eye on that.It’s indicated by the little waves inside the Tidal waves Power Aura.

Configuration ScreenShots

Resto Shaman Power Auras  Export 

Unleash Elements  :
Aura[1]=Version:4.23; b:0.2; g:0.9608; Instance25ManHeroic:true; icon:Spell_Shaman_ImprovedStormstrike; buffname:Unleash Elements; begin:3; x:-114; bufftype:15; Instance10ManHeroic:true; texture:163; alpha:0.54; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.77; y:-6; texmode:1; timer.b:0; timer.g:0.851; timer.h:1.72; timer.UpdatePing:true; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:LEFT; timer.y:-3; timer.x:107; timer.UseOwnColor:true@
Riptide :
Aura[2]=Version:4.23; b:0.2196; Instance25ManHeroic:true; icon:spell_nature_riptide; buffname:Riptide; r:0.349; begin:3; x:105; bufftype:15; Instance10ManHeroic:true; texture:163; alpha:0.54; symetrie:1; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.76; torsion:0.96; y:-6; texmode:1; timer.a:0.79; timer.b:0.2; timer.h:1.72; timer.UpdatePing:true; timer.enabled:true; timer.r:0.3725; timer.cents:false; timer.y:-9; timer.x:117; timer.UseOwnColor:true@
Water Shield :
Aura[3]=Version:4.23; g:0.7569; Instance25ManHeroic:true; icon:Ability_Shaman_WaterShield; buffname:Water Shield; r:0.3255; begin:2; Instance10ManHeroic:true; texture:21; alpha:0.42; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:1.2; y:-11; texmode:1; inverse:true@
Tidal Waves :
Aura[4]=Version:4.23; b:0.8941; anim1:4; icon:Spell_Shaman_TidalWaves; buffname:Tidal Waves; r:0.698; begin:1; texture:28; alpha:0.49; speed:0.54; size:0.81; y:-10; texmode:1@
Power Torrent :
Version:4.23; b:0.5137; anim1:11; g:0.9216; Instance25ManHeroic:true; icon:Ability_Paladin_SacredCleansing; buffname:Power Torrent; begin:1; x:2; Instance10ManHeroic:true; texture:112; alpha:0.11; speed:0.12; Instance5Man:true; Instance25Man:true; Instance10Man:true; Instance5ManHeroic:true; size:0.25; y:74; texmode:1; finish:3; timer.h:1.44; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER
Spiritwalker’s Grace
Version:4.23; b:0.8941; icon:spell_shaman_spiritwalkersgrace; buffname:Spiritwalker’s Grace; r:0.698; begin:1; texture:33; alpha:0.49; speed:0.54; size:0.66; y:-10; texmode:1; timer.h:1.4; timer.Texture:Original; timer.enabled:true; timer.cents:false; timer.Relative:CENTER; timer.y:49
