Heroic Ultraxion 10man Resto Shaman Pov

Welcome to Dragon Soul Heroic mode for Ultraxion. In this guide, I will run you through everything you need to know about how to best utilize your Resto Shaman spells and abilities for a healing showdown.
And so you come to face the ultimate creation of Deathwing. You’d think he would show more appreciation about his wife son and daughter, his own family, but no. Before the fight starts he makes it very clear.This dragon is his pride. Like a dog if you will. Faithful puppy. Only tad bigger.Makes you wonder what he might eat for breakfast. For now his appetite consists of you and your party. Fear not however because once again you find yourself in the company of the four aspects. And Thraal. No comments. In the heroic version of this fight not many things change. He hits you harder, has a tougher enrage timer to beat which is complicated  by his upgraded health pool and of course, now 2 additional players need to soak each Hour of Twilight  while  the tanks and the dps try to  handle additonal Fading Lights by using Heroic Will .Take into consideration that this time you only have 3sec down from 5sec  before you lay your bones to rest when Ultraxion casts Hour of Twilight. Other than that as a healer, like in normal version you only have to be concerned about Hour of Twilight since yet again you won’t be affected by Fading light.
Note. Keep in mind that depending of what addons you’re using Heroic Will button might not be visible. Or if you are like me you don’t want to drag your mouse all over the screen while healing. So make the following macro and bind it to the key of your preference or even your mouse.
Specific Dragon Soul Macro ( For Utraxion and Madness of Deathwing special button )
/click ExtraActionButton1


For a more in depth analysis of exactly all Ultraxions old abilities I suggest reading the following guides.
1. Guides for Normal Ultraxion
Ultraxion 10Man Normal And Heroic by IcyVeins
Ultraxion 10Man Normal by Type H for Heals
TIP : Always watch some videos beforehand to be in the know.
2.Videos for Heroic Ultraxion
Ultraxion 10Man Heroic Dragon Soul FATBOSS
Ultraxion 25Man Heroic Dragon Soul LearnToRaid
Ultraxion 25Man Heroic Dragon Soul Tankspot

Suggested Raid Composition

2 Tanks – 2 Healers – 6 Dps

Gear and Reforging Check

For this fight, you will need to be able to sustain your mana all the way through the encounter up until the end the 5min mark when Ultraxion will start to cast his  Unstable Monstrosity  ability every second.This means that probably since you’ll be spamming healing rain and pretty much everything else you can afford before you down him you  will be gasping for mana.There are ways to make your life a little easier and your spells more effective.
Before the 5min mark even though you will be 2 healing it be prepared for minimal damage or for what I would call dps time. Not only because you’re bored but also because your raid will probably need your 3 – 5k dps you will provide. Equip your talent tree with Telluric currents to get mana back as well as do damage and Focused Insight to be able to amplify your healing throughput.
You will  be stationary for the whole fight so feel free to sacrifice your ghost wolf and since no dispelling is necessary remove a point from that too. If you are progressing on Ultraxion with minimum gear, you and the rest of your team , then probably you will want to invest some points in your elemental tree (2 points in  Acuity,3 points in Concussion, 3 points in Elemental Precision ) to achieve 2 things. Higher dps from you and higher mana return from your lightning bolts. If you are looking at his after the % nerf or your gear is higher then feel free to leave your talent tree as is.

 Below is an example of how your character should look like. Gear, reforging, talent tree and glyphs included.
CharDev Example with 397 gear and reforge details
Haste in this example is as close to 916 as it gets. I’ve removed all extra haste to amplify my spirit and mastery needs.Also the only time you will really need haste is after the 5min mark of the fight were you will have heroism and spiritwalkers grace to compensate.
Mastery should above 20 or as close to it as possible for the extra healing it will provide you for when your raid hits all time lows. Mastery is a must in this fight since your raid after the 5min mark will always be below 50% of health.Its scary I know.But you’re a shaman. embrace your mastery and watch your numbers fly.
Spirit is little above 3800 (counting the proc from Heart of Unliving ) in order to have enough to dump at that late stage of the fight. Believe me, you will not have time to cast lightning bolts to get any back.
All items used are from Normal Dragon Soul.
As always, if your gear is different just apply the rules above for potential reforges.

Assigning  the Healing  Buffs

 There is often a disagreement on which crystal a shaman should take in this fight. As you know they are 3. The red buffs you with  Gift of Life which provides a 100% increase to all the healing done by the affected player(s).  The green buffs you with  Essence of Dreams which provides valuable AoE healing, which will prove extremely useful, especially as the encounter progresses. Note that this buff applies to most types of heals, including HoTs and AoE heals (such as  Healing Rain). Finally the blue buffs you with  Source of Magic which provides increased casting haste and reduced mana cost, making it desirable to all healers.
So which one should you take? Lets start with the one you shouldn’t which is the blue. As you and  most other healers will have either the Red or Green buffs by this point, the Blue buff is most desirable to Holy Paladins, who can practically spam  Holy Radiance until the end of the fight, generating a huge amount of AoE healing. So unless there is no paladin in your team just erase the blue crystal of your mind.
As it goes for red or green. Both are excellent for shamans but my choice of preference will be green. You see with red yes you get a 100% increase in all your spells.That means 100% increase in all healing rain ticks, in all riptide , in chain heal. Sounds nice? However think of this. How much nicer does it sound for every greater healing wave to become instantly your new aoe spell? At the end of the fight you will be spamming healing rain and chain heal like crazy if you take the red. But if you take the green you’ll be cruising with healing rain ( that heals the same either with red or green) and greater healing waves. Every healing wave will hit all your raid making it much greater than ANY buffed chain heal would even be. Also think of this. If you are healing with a paladin they will not be healing the tanks at all at the end since they will be spamming Holy Radiance .This is where you come to steal the show with healing the tanks with greater healing waves which since you have the green buff will ultimately heal the raid also with an insane amount. If you need further proof feel free to check WoL with top healers. Paladins rule the first pages then come shamans with Essence of dreams in their highest heals having taken green buff.There is no red buffed top shaman healer. You will not fail with red, but green is definitely a winner for you.Let the druid take the red then the blue and enjoy them.
Top 2 Shaman healers as found in WoLs page for top healers for Ultraxion HC 10man.
Gravatize his logs found here with 74.645k hps had 17.3% based on Essence of dreams.Used green buff.
Voidwalker his logs found here with 70.055k hps had 32.5% (making this by far his first healing spell) based on Essence of dreams.Used green buff.

Preparation Tips and Tricks

Make sure your weapon is imbued with Earthliving Weapon enchant and your Water Shield is up .  Put Earth Shield on the tank that is currently tanking and try to keep it up at all times .Start overhealing  the tanks so that your well spent Ancestral Healing talent points will proc that wonderful 10% damage reduction and 10% maximum health pool increase. After you see you can’t climb more on their health cast riptide on them.As long as riptide is ticking the stacks will never drop thus securing the tanks an extra 10% damage reduction and health pool increase throughout all the fight.

Fight starting in 5..4..3..2..1. Pull.

You have quite a lot of seconds before Ultraxion hits you with his first  Hour of Twilight that you will need to avoid using Heroic Will.
Note.Shamans have no mitigation making us bad candidates for staying out with the other 2 designated dps or tank to absorb Hour of Twilight .
You should put your totems down before Ultraxion lands and lay a healing rain .Make sure you stay behind or at the sides of your raid at all times if you have Maw of the Dragonlord equipped. Start spamming Ultraxion with lightning bolts and depending on the situation this will be your priorities  :
Before and up until 5min mark :
1.Healing rain
2.Lighting bolts if nobody needs healing or if healing is sufficient.
3.Riptide on cd on the tanks and earth shield on the current tank or at least the main tank.
4.Chain heal if you think healing rain will not top off your raid in accordance with your fellow healer or greater healing wave if you see the tank falling a little too low or people coming out of soaking hour of twilight. Keep your riptides rolling to keep up with your tidal waves (healing rain DOES NOT consume one charge) or chain heal to bring them back up.
After 5min mark :
1.Healing rain on CD,make sure you use any shock spell you might have before that if you feel you can afford the GCD to amplify it.
2.Healing waves on the tanks if you have green buff. If you have red buff forget that spell and move on to…
3.Chain heals.
At this point its only a matter of if you can afford the GCD’s to maintain earth shield and riptide and my only advice is head into the fight and after few wipes you will know for yourself.
About your CD’s.The fight will last from 5:00 min to 6:00, usually varying around 5:30. Your mana tide totem has a 3 min cd which means you can only use it 2 times into the fight.Drop it a little bit before 2 min into the fight and then again a little into the 5th min.This way you will utilize your 2pc set bonus if you have it. Use your spiritwalkers grace at 1 min mark,3 min mark and just after heroism has faded( around 5:30min mark) or a little before that to gain that extra haste you will need for the last phase. As for your spirit link totem , use it whenever you feel like to but make sure you have it for around 5:30min mark into the fight in accordance to any raid CD your fellow healer has and after Nozdormus  Timeloop buff has faded from most of your raid.
Note. About heroism there is a nice trick quoting Malevica from Type H for Heals:
The double-lust trick
You have a dilemma: you really want to give the healers the Bloodlust or Heroism or Time Warp for the end of the fight, but the best time to use it is the very start, where you can line up BL with trinkets, pre-pots and DPS cooldowns.
But you can have your cake and eat it too! Heroic Will takes you into a different realm, so you can’t be affected by buffs or debuffs,including BL and Heroism.
So here’s how to use this to your advantage:
1.  Have a countdown timer for pulls. (You already have this though for timing pre-pots, right?)
2.  2 seconds before the pull, have your healers hit Heroic Will
3. Just as the pull is made, pop BL/Heroism/Time Warp. Your healers won’t get the buff but they don’t need it, and crucially they also won’t get the associated debuff
4. At the 5-minute mark, pop a second BL/Heroism/Time Warp so the healers can benefit from it
This concudes this guide for the Ultraxion HC healing showdown.  Remember to use your Heroic will a second before Ultraxion casts Hour of twilight. Enjoy the fight and happy looting!